READY To Ease Your Mind?
Imagine if….
Imagine if life could be different. The areas where Cognitive Behaviour Hypnotherapy has the most proven track record is to help with anxiety, pain management and insomnia. It also has a good track record in helping with conditions where being anxious or an over stimulated nervous system is causing an issue with skin or your digestion. The tools and techniques are safe, so imagine if we found tools to ease your discomfort.
It is life changing when you realise life does not have to be like this. There are tools and techniques that we can work with to ease the feelings and give us ways to cope.
Ease Anxiety
Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy has been scientifically proven to be very effective in easing anxiety and providing tools to help. I can help with most subclinical anxiety, but have a particular interest in anxiety around illness.
Ease the Impact
Prolonged unhelpful stress has a huge impact on the body. We have tools and techniques, to help manage stress and build resilience. What we often see is an easing in symptoms of conditions that are impacted by prolonged stress.
Ease the Pain
Pain is one of the areas where Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy has been proven to be very effective.
Ease the Exhaustion
Help with sleep can make such a difference in life. Pacing the floor when if feels like the rest of the world is asleep is lonely and miserable. Hypnosis along with some other tools and techniques can be very effective.

When the invisible load is exhausting!
Anxiety, chronic pain. phobias and insomnia are invisible conditions that have a major impact in our lives. It is difficult to understand the impact these things have unless you are living it. Before retraining, I was completely unaware as to how big a role our mind has in how we experience these issues, but there are things to help and techniques to use that can help ease the impact and support you.
10 things to do to set us up for a good nights sleep here as is
Waking up relaxed refreshed sets you up for a good day. By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine and seeking help when needed, you can improve your sleep quality and wake up feeling refreshed ad rejuvenated each day.

Sheena created a trusting environment where I felt comfortable to talk about how I was feeling. She listened to what I had to say and explained many different ways to cope with my anxieties as well as creating action plans such as the cue card. She encouraged me to change the way I think about situations that make me anxious.
SF, Aberdeen

Thank you once more, Sheena, for your time and dedication in assisting me. I genuinely consider it a blessing. The techniques I’ve learned during our sessions have been invaluable, and I intend to continue using them. Overall, my mental, emotional, and physical well-being has significantly improved since we began our work together. It’s a tremendous relief and joy to express myself freely without fear of judgment and to recognize and manage unhelpful thoughts. I am incredibly grateful for this.
JS, Aberdeen

Sheena was very friendly and approachable, during our sessions I felt I could speak honestly about my diet issues.
Sheena helped me understand why I would turn to food for comfort, discussing feelings around food really helped.
Since the therapy I have put into action the guidance that helps me stop binge eating.
I found the therapy sessions were very relaxing and gave me time to think of how I would like to continue around food .
MF, Kintore
Breaking Free: The Damaging Impact of Guilt and How to Overcome It
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